Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Last night C and I had a conversation about the purpose of blogging.

He is starting a blog himself with the idea of commenting and sharing with other people his progresses and techniques referring his guitar playing (at least this would be his main interest, although I guess not the only one).

I teased him: "oh, then, would it be a serious journal instead of a 'dirty' one like mine?".

He questioned me why I would like to write a 'dirty' journal when there are so many people around talking about sex already, meaning 'sex is over rated'...

I explained to C that this journal is not about sex itself but about my life experiences, my thoughts, my beliefs, my concerns, my ramblings and maybe sometime, my imagination. It's only that as sex happens to be quite an important part of my life, it would also deserve some consideration in this blog.

However and above all, writing has in me a liberating effect.

I've been writing on and off, since about 16, at different stages in my life. Little pieces of words here and there that were coincident with meaningful periods of changes or crisis. I found out that writing was (and obviously, still is) like a therapy: I need to do it, it makes me feel good, it calms me down, I learn more about myself, it helps me overcome my miseries, and I am happy when I reread my joyful moments.... and all this, a lot cheaper. So basically, you can say I write for myself. The fact that I am writing in English, which is not my first language, only adds a challange to the already rich experience.

C reminded me that an online journal also means joining a community.

Hence you are bound to have an audience.
Also correct.

I still can share my life with other people but remain anonymous. And who knows, maybe get some interesting feedback from the 'rest of the world' as well.

All of you are welcome.

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